Banana Peel

It’s what’s inside that matters…

Because they’re just so darn cute August 21, 2009

the cutest family on the block

I couldn’t resist!

my siggy


Monkey Business July 22, 2009

Filed under: Parenting,Red-Haired Girl — Jess @ 10:01 am

I’m wore out.

The Red-Haired Girl is a climber. And a good one, to boot. Because of this she climbs on. every. thing. she. can.

It’s driving me bonkers.

The Blue-Eyed Boy has never been a climber. In fact it usually takes about 20 minutes of begging, barganing and pleading just to get him to climb up a kiddie slide at the playground. So, this is my first foray into the world of  climbing 14 month olds.

She is fearless, which terrifies me. She hasn’t gotten that little instict that says maybe I shouldn’t do this, just yet. And therefore has no qualms about climbing up on the dining room table, or climbing up on a stool to open the door to the top of the stairs. Where as all I see is my baby girls head split open on the floor, or a broken arm or leg.

She’s fast. I mean blink your eye and she’s gone fast. This morning I turned to hand the Blue-Eyed Boy his cup and when I turned around she was already up on a dining room chair and halfway onto the table (can we say heart-stopping?).

She’s smart too. Too smart. I’ve tried pushing the dining room chairs as far in as they can go, but she just moves them. I try distracting her with toys or games or whatever I can, but she knows her brothers treasures are up on that table (Ironically, so she can’t get to them, ha! Guess it’s time to rethink that strategy).  

I’m at my wits end. I’m not sure how to combat this monkey business. I’ve tried telling her not to, yelling, redirecting, making a big deal about it when she does listen, but nothing works really well. I mean, they all work sort of, but never with any lasting results.

She’ll grow out of it right? Just like any other thing babies and toddlers do she’ll move on to something else (I’m not sure I want to know what her something next is going to be though!) right?

Please someone tell me it’s so! Or tell me that it will tone down here soon. Or please, please just lie to me because I’m about to go insane.

my siggy


Because my fingers just won’t stay still… May 8, 2009

Filed under: Crafts,Crazy Things I Do For Love,Red-Haired Girl — Jess @ 12:44 pm

Whilst (Isn’t that a fun word! I’m feeling all whimsical) wandering through the fabric store I found this beautiful lavender-colored yarn. I just wanted longed desperately needed had to buy it ( I am a yarnaholic you know), after all it was on sale (oh the things we tell ourselves to enable our addictions!). It’s also SUPER DUPER soft, and made of bamboo (Yay! Go environment, go!).

That was two months ago.

This beautiful yarn has sat in my yarn tub (oh yes, a tub, I do have that much–you can ask my Hunk how much the yarn craze drives him bonkers, he won’t hold back. He loves me that much) waiting for me to decide what to use it for.

Well, I’ve finally found the perfect project. I’m not going to tell you what it is. However, you can guess as I go along and then see how cute it is at the end (sneaky, but fun– I hope!)

You’re one hint (besides the picture, duh): It’s for my beautiful little Red-Haired Girl who looks amazing in lavender!

Week One

Week One

P.S. I couldn’t get my camera to get the color right. I don’t know what it’s problem was (darn electronics!), I was using natural lighting and everything! Trust me it’s a beautiful, no-mistaking-it lavender. Not blue.

and P.P.S. I know I said this is week one but I actually just started it yesterday, but whatever. I’ll have a whole lot more to show next week!

Stay tuned next week for a little bit more!

my siggy


Protected: What the world needs now February 14, 2009

Filed under: Red-Haired Girl — Jess @ 8:04 am

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My Girl–The Bully January 8, 2009

Filed under: babysitting,Little Dizzy,Red-Haired Girl — Jess @ 10:59 am
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It happened so fast. There we were playing on the floor, Little Dizzy, The Red-Haired Girl, The Blue-Eyed Boy and I and having a grand old time. When she crawled over and swipe.

The Victim

The Victim

Good time gone. Well, for Little Dizzy that is (sorry Nan!). He’s a tough little guy though, he cried for about two seconds and has been fine ever since. It was more traumatic for his poor Auntie, I think.

I’m not sure how I feel about having a bully in the family.

The Bully

The Bully

I guess she learned from her brother.