Banana Peel

It’s what’s inside that matters…

My Girl–The Bully January 8, 2009

Filed under: babysitting,Little Dizzy,Red-Haired Girl — Jess @ 10:59 am
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It happened so fast. There we were playing on the floor, Little Dizzy, The Red-Haired Girl, The Blue-Eyed Boy and I and having a grand old time. When she crawled over and swipe.

The Victim

The Victim

Good time gone. Well, for Little Dizzy that is (sorry Nan!). He’s a tough little guy though, he cried for about two seconds and has been fine ever since. It was more traumatic for his poor Auntie, I think.

I’m not sure how I feel about having a bully in the family.

The Bully

The Bully

I guess she learned from her brother.