Banana Peel

It’s what’s inside that matters…

The Love Dare October 2, 2009

Filed under: The Love Dare — Jess @ 12:01 pm

If you’ve seen the movie Fireproof, then you know what The Love Dare is. If you haven’t seen the movie, I think you should, it’s really good.

The Love Dare (to put it simply) is a dare for your marriage. It lasts for 40 days and each day there is a task you must do in regards to showing love to your spouse.

The Hunk and I bought this book months and months and months ago after we had seen the movie. Until a few weeks ago I hadn’t thought about it or even looked at it. But I was cleaning the bookshelf and found it sitting there brand new never touched.

I decided to give it a try. I thought I had a pretty good marriage. I thought we were doing just fine.

Boy was I wrong.

As I did The Love Dare (and I’m still not done yet, but the Hunk figured out I was doing it so it doesn’t have to be a secret anymore) I wrote a post expressing my feelings about what I was asked to do and how I did it, etc. I have been saving them until I could post them. I didn’t want the Hunk to know I was doing it. But alas, he figured it out because he too started The Dare.

So, here we go–40 days of purpose. 40 days of working on my marriage. 40 days towards change–really really good change.

Come with me and listen in on my journey through The Love Dare.

my siggy


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